You are either inquiring, currently studying, or have just graduated from a vocational school in France, and you’re wondering what the letters RNCP on some French diplomas stand for? We explain everything in this article.
What is the RNCP
The RNCP (Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles) is the French national framework for professional qualifications. It is a key component of France’s structured system for recognizing professional qualifications. It serves as a national register that lists vocational and professional certifications validated by the state, ensuring that they meet current labor market demands and quality standards.
Levels of qualifications
The framework is structured around 8 levels of qualifications, which are designed to categorize professional certifications based on the depth of knowledge and skills required.
Each level corresponds to specific achievements and skills:
- Level 1 to 3: Represents the mastery of basic knowledge.
- Level 4: Corresponds to a high school diploma, which is achieved after completing 12 years of education.
- Level 5: Corresponds to an Associate’s degree, which is achieved after 2 years of higher education.
- Level 6: Corresponds to a Bachelor’s degree, which is achieved after 3 years of higher education.
- Level 7: Corresponds to a Master’s degree, which is achieved after 5 years of higher education.
- Level 8: Corresponds to a Doctorate/PhD degree.
Learn more about French diplomas here:

Who manages the RNCP
France Compétences is the national authority responsible for overseeing and regulating vocational training and professional education in France. It administers the national framework for professional qualifications and ensures that certifications listed meet quality and industry relevance standards.
How to verify a certification is valid
To verify that a diploma or certification is officially recognized by the state, go here:
Enter the name or code of the certification, or related keywords if you’re unsure of the exact name/code. You can then view the certification’s details and its main characteristics, including whether it is currently valid, which organizations are authorized to prepare it, the targeted skills, the qualification level, and more.

Enhanced employability
One of the primary benefits of such certifications is improved employability. Recruiters often favor candidates with these diplomas as they ensure up-to-date skills and ensure that the holder’s qualifications align with current market demands.
Career advancement
These diplomas can also be a valuable asset, enabling individuals to pursue positions of greater responsibility within their company. Typically, someone who has developed new skills and knowledge through hands-on experience can validate and formalize their abilities by completing such a certification. Upon completion, they gain formal recognition for their expertise and become eligible for a promotion to a higher position within the same company, meeting the educational criteria required for the role.
To learn more about the French education system and diplomas, visit our blog for detailed insights and useful information.